18 Ways to Manage Mask Anxiety
During this unique time we've had to adjust to life behind a face mask. The world outside your window has changed, which necessitates a shift in the …
During this unique time we've had to adjust to life behind a face mask. The world outside your window has changed, which necessitates a shift in the …
(Updated January 16, 2024) This post has garnered more views and attention than any other piece of writing I've ever created. Please enjoy... Are…
The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Selfie! Do you know there's an easy way to make your selfies healthy?. Picture this...All it takes is a few minor a…
Life under quarantine can be wildly challenging for even the strongest relationships. This can be a dangerous time for couples who have issues with co…
Nature Valley created a powerful ad a few years ago about the horrifying effects of screen time on children. It stated, "Nature has always been a part…
If your kids aren't already driving you absolutely crazy during this quarantine, congratulations! Your'e in a league of your own. The only way to mai…
Social distance and food storage are occupying much of our headspace these days, but it is just as important to prepare for the mental health challeng…
We are living in challenging times. So many parts of daily life push against our health and happiness. This is why we are rebooting Techealthiest. …
Let me take out my phone so I can remember this moment. I got nine hours of glorious beauty sleep last night and I’m liking where my face is going wit…
How to Avoid Raising an Attention-Hungry Child in the Digital Age What happens when a toddler's basic need for love and attention is forced to compete,…
As a psychologist in New York City who has conducted thousands of sessions helping clients manage their anxiety, I have come to understand that there i…
(Updated January 10, 2024) "I should think positive and avoid negativity." "I should use this time to accomplish something." "I should…
(Updated November 12, 2023) Something horrible just happened. You have no idea what to call the problem, how to deal with it and how nervous you sho…
How to Gently Wean Your Toddler I think we weaned today. It's only been a few days since I introduced the idea of weaning to Lulu (with very mixed e…
My daughter turned four and a half today and I didn't acknowledge that. I just finished tucking her in and it suddenly hit me. Guilt is ap…
(Updated June 1, 2023) After helping thousands of New Yorkers achieve success with their therapeutic goals, I know a shortcut or two for finding psy…
(Updated July 20, 2022) Bring back the mental health day! Mental health days are gifts to yourself in the form of time. Time is the most precious…
How to Enjoy Your Gadgets Without Passing Your Digital Threshold (Updated December 13, 2023) Do you wish you were less stressed and anxious? Are yo…